I often think about some of the things I moaned about before I had kids and wonder what the hell my problem was. I had so much freedom, so much time to enjoy a hot drink in peace or time to relax on the sofa without a small person climbing all over me.
Below are just a few of the things most parents took for granted before having kids. I’d honestly would give an arm or a leg to have them back for just a day (even half a day will do).
“I’m so tired!” a 20-something me would moan, thinking about how much I was looking forward to a lie-in in the morning. Oh, how I took those lie-ins for granted. Those lovely Sunday mornings when you could get up whenever the hell you wanted. Lie-ins these days are rare and consist of me lying there with my head stuck under a pillow trying to drown out the noise as the husband desperately tries to stop the kids from killing each other.
Trips to the toilet
This is something I definitely took for granted. Before, it was a simple case of going in, doing my business in peace and then coming out. Job easily done. Going to the toilet now either involves an audience desperate to know whether it’s a wee or a poo or being interrupted mid-pee or poo by demands for a snack.

Relaxing on the sofa
Ok, admittedly this is something that I can do in the evenings (That’s if I can avoid making the first mistake on this list). However, I still miss having the freedom of being able to flop down onto the sofa whenever I want with a nice cup of tea. Now, the tea remains untouched on the dining room table whilst my kids use me as their climbing frame.
A tidy home
I do get this back for some of the day when the kids are out with the grandparents or at nursery or school. Then they come home and 5 minutes later the house looks exactly the same as it did before I tidied it and I’m left wondering why I bothered.
Minimal washing
Before kids, keeping on top of the washing was so easy. Now I’m faced with a pile of dirty washing bigger than Mount Everest. Every. Single. Day. I’m surprised the washing machine still works. It does play a nice tune when the wash is finished though, so that makes a monotonous process slightly more bearable.

A full night’s sleep
I’ve only just started to get those back again – and my eldest is seven!
A big night out
Nights out before kids: Having the freedom to go out most weekends, going to bed late and then spending the next day in bed recovering.
Nights out after kids (on the rare occasion they happen): Spending at least an hour trying to arrange a night that everyone is available, being ready for bed by 11 p.m. and then spending the next day feeling like death while trying to stop a 6-year-old and 3-year-old from killing each other.
Leisurely supermarket trips
I used to love supermarket trips. I could browse the shelves in peace and not have to worry about random items being placed into my basket. Now, supermarket trips are hectic, rushed and often result in at least one of the tantrums on this list.
A peaceful walk
Don’t get me wrong – I love walks. However, walks these days are very different to walks of the past. Before, walks gave me time to refresh and reflect on things whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery and wildlife in peace. Years ago, the husband and I would always have an evening walk, timing it so that we could catch the sunset. It was bliss. Sigh. I miss those days. Now, walks consist of two small people following me around constantly complaining.
“I’m bored!”
“I’m hungry!”
“I didn’t want to come to (*insert name of any national park here*), I wanted to go to (*insert name of any soft play centre here*) instead!”
“Can I have an ice cream?”
“Can we go home now?”
“I need a wee!”
“I need a coffee!”
Ok, that last one is me.
I seriously wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self to shut the hell up and enjoy your freedom while you’ve still got it!