The most awkward poo moments

“I need a poo!” – These are the four words that every parent has heard at some point. They are also the four words that are usually uttered by your child at the worst moments.

If any of these moments listed below are happening, then I can guarantee that it will become an awkward poo moment:

Right before school/nursery

This usually happens on the rare days that I manage to get my kids ready for school and nursery on time. These occasions consist of frantically trying to locate the baby wipes whilst shouting “no don’t touch anything!” to my toddler, who insists that he can wipe his arse like an adult.

In the car

This is the most common out of all the awkward poo moments. Before we set off on a long car journey, I always ask the kids at least 5 times if they need the toilet. The answer is always “no” after which we get in the car and set off and then they suddenly decide that they do need it.

In the supermarket

This isn’t usually too much of a problem, as most supermarkets have toilets. When potty training, however, it becomes one of the top awkward poo moments, especially when your kid refuses to wait until they’ve reached the toilet to pull down their pants.

Right after school

Okay, so this one is mostly a wee, but my kids always wait until they are out of the school (where there are toilets) to announce that they need the toilet. Apparently, this is common in young children, especially in the early years!

On a walk

This usually happens in the woods where there isn’t a toilet in sight. Luckily it’s usually a wee, although there were a few explosive poo moments in the baby days!

After being tucked into bed

If the bedtime routine has gone smoothly, the kids are in bed on time and the husband and I start getting remotely excited at the thought of having a whole evening to ourselves, then one of our children will definitely need a poo. At this point, the bubble containing my visions of a relaxing evening bursts and flies around the room like a deflated balloon. Sigh. Where did I put those baby wipes? 

When you’ve just sat down

These days I try to resist the urge to flop down on the sofa for a quick break because, for some reason, every time I do this one (or worse – both) of my kids will need a poo.

When you gotta go, you gotta go, but why do kids always have to go at the most awkward moments?!

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About Me

Have you visited the supermarket to do the weekly grocery shop but came out carrying your screaming, uncooperative toddler instead? Or spent two hours cooking a nice meal that your kids have refused to eat? Or asked your child to tidy their room no less than ten times today?

You’re not alone!

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